There is strong evidence that people who are
bilingual have stronger communication and cognitive skills. Being bilingual gives the brain a good
workout, enabling an individual to focus for longer and retain information more
effectively. Learning a language
develops confidence in speaking and listening skills. It helps us to understand our own language
and culture whilst at the same time developing an awareness of the world. These advantages can also be developed by
learning a second language.
The main advantage of learning a language at an
early age is confidence. Young children learn
their own language extremely quickly, constantly exploring, playing and
mimicking words. Learning a language can be a rewarding whole family activity.
A child who is learning alongside an adult, frequently experiences good role
modelling in perseverance. Learning together can also be an opportunity to
share strategies.
The internet has many free resources and materials
that can support your child, and you, in learning a second language. Songs, poems, rhymes, TV programmes and
stories in other languages which can develop listening, speaking and
comprehension skills are easily found on you tube and other search engines. Many
of these will include sub-titles and may be familiar to your child. There
are also good Apps which can be downloaded for free.
Use post-its and flashcards to learn everyday
words and phrases; you may wish to label objects around the house or create a
treasure hunt with the words. The flash
cards can be used to play matching games such as snap. Flashcards can be created by you and your
child, using magazines or by drawing your own images.
Another activity to develop language skills is to
create your own shop, recycling food packaging, etc. Playing shop is a fun way to practice
vocabulary and counting; it also develops mathematical skills.
In our
increasingly globalised society, the benefits of speaking other languages are
invaluable. This is perhaps best
expressed in the words of Nelson Mandela;
"If you talk to a man in a language he
understands, that goes to his head. If
you talk to him in his own language that goes to his heart."