After a wonderful summer of sport with British sportsman
and women achieving so much as well as the inspiring experience for the
majority of us of being part of hosting the Olympics and Paralympics. The
opening and closing ceremonies, the game makers, the spectators and individual
personal triumphs of all Olympians, provided much to discuss about the legacy
of the Olympics. Physical Education has
been part of the National Curriculum for many years with PE lessons currently timetabled
for two hours per week. Many schools
also offer a wide range of after school sports clubs. But why should sport be so prominent in the
The benefits of participating in sports go far beyond the
physical benefits of being fit, healthy and having good co-ordination. Sport, whether competitive or non
competitive, teaches us to adhere to the rules and develop an understanding of
fair play. This in turn helps to develop a sense of honesty and a sense of
right and wrong. A child can learn to exercise judgement in
expressing objections and in accepting any potential controversial calls. Through sport we learn to accept losing with
dignity and to learn from the
experience. Sport encourages
children to value and respect themselves, and others, as individuals. Participation in any sport can also build determination
and encourage children to set achievable goals. Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the
modern Olympics created its motto - "The important thing in the Olympic
Games is not winning but taking part.
The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well." Whether
participating as an athlete or a spectator, sport encourages children to
develop communication skills, explaining their point of view objectively and
accepting that others’ views may differ. In
addition, sport can break down break down cultural and physical barriers; this
was evident in The Olympics and Paralympics.
sports particularly have the potential to develop a sense of belonging and a
feeling of being valued. Being a team
member helps a child to learn to encourage their team mates and to be happy for
the whole team's success, and to accept defeat/failure without blaming
others. Magic Johnson, perhaps the one
of the most famous basketball players states; “Ask
not what your team mates can do for you.
Ask what you can do for your team mates." Team sports can encourage children to
develop leadership skills and to think as an individual within the context of making
decisions that can benefit and support their team members.
There is
evidence that suggests that children who are involved in sports do better
academically at school. Being a member
of a team or sport club can develop time management and general organisation
skills. As part of a team or club your
child will develop their listening skills and be encouraged to develop their
observational skills. For some children
being part of a school team or club provides them with motivation to learn and
in some cases their attendance improves.
can also be inspired by sports. Sports
can provide positive mentors and role models.
A role model may be a famous athlete, their coach or PE teacher. These people inspire us all not only with
their achievements but also with their skills and determination to overcome any
difficulties and to improve. We can be inspired by their dignity in winning and
in losing. Unfortunately, there are
also negative role models in sports but children may learn from these too, for
example, it is not acceptable to verbally abuse another player or to cheat. The following observation by John Wooden
perhaps explains what we can learn from our role models, and about ourselves
from sports - "Sports do not build character. They reveal it!"
encourages children to be fit and healthy, but more significantly through sport
they can learn a sense of achievement and develop their self esteem. Children when inspired by sports can gain a
well rounded perspective of life.
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