Monday 4 November 2019


A visual reminder of the types of angles and lines.  


This is a great activity for helping a student learn and recall number bonds.  I generally use a large whiteboard and post-its although I also chalk the numbers on the patio taking the activity outside.  In the example below, the focus is making 20.  The focus can easily be adapted to make 10 or 100 or any number of your choice. 

The activity can also be played with two students.  You will need two sets of post-its of two colours or use two different coloured pens.

Game 1 : the players take it in turn to correctly cover a number with a post-it to make the focus number.  If a student are incorrect or cannot cover a number then they miss a go.  They continue to play until all the numbers are covered.  The player with most cards covered wins.

Game 2:  The players start at the same time covering  numbers as quickly and as accurately as they can.  A number can only be covered once.  They continue until all the numbers have been covered.  The player with most numbers covered wins the game.