Tuesday 19 February 2019


Many reluctant writers are not confident in their writing skills, finding writing both fiction and non- fiction daunting. I created the three resources below to develop writing skills with individual students.   As a tutor, I have found that each activity leads to an informative learning conversation with the student which naturally develops their skills and confidence.


The student researches and presents their information on a poster type format.  This strategy enables them to collect and organise their ideas and information.  For some students this activity can be an introduction to the use of paragraphs. 


Encourage the student to create their own foldable and label it as below.  when it is complete the student can lift each flap to write words and ideas about their chosen subject, e.g. a pet.
Once the flaps have been completed, the student uses their ideas to write a descriptive paragraph in the centre of the foldable.


A diarama is a drawing of the setting of a story: a stage setting.  The student draws the setting of their story and creates cut out the characters to act our their story before or after writing.  This helps them to sequence their story, use a broader vocabulary and improve their writing.  

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